Sunday, February 20, 2011

Franklin A&P 20th Feb 2011

Didnt come home with any Champion ribbons but still did really well though. We did a total of 8 classes (4 inhand and 4 ridden) to come home with a total of 7 ribbons - so only missed out on one class - pretty good aye! Now just got to wait for the cheque to arrive.

We got Inhand - 1st Best Presented, 1st Gelding 6-12yrs, 2nd Best Head, 4th Showmanship. In the Ridden we got 4th Best Present, 1st Best Walking Horse, didnt get anything in Best Trotting Horse, 3rd in Novice 0-5 Wins. For Best Presented ridden we dont have 'correct' gear so wasnt expecting to win that one.

He got a little um 'excited' in the Best Trotting Horse class and in Novice was doing nice little Piaffe and Passage with tail stuck straight up in the air that was totally not asked for. Got a little googly eyed at the minis besides us going over the jumps. After hearing over the loud speaker several times for the ambulance to be at such and such ring I was determined not to have them say 'can we have an ambulance at the SB ring please' so made sure I stayed on and he behaved.

Think Star might need a bigger neck though. Have sent my entry off for Kumeu so will see how that goes.

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