Sunday, October 24, 2010

Winter Woolies Show 2010

Me and Sue decided that we would take the boys along to the Winter Woolies Show in Pukekoke. We decided to go even before it was postponed to give the boys an outing. Spook hasn't been to anything in YEARS!! And for a lad that thinks going on a float is a stupid idea ended up loading well for him and was great to float. Spook came home with several ribbons and did well in the Sport Horse inhand. We decided to do the First Timers ridden section since its been a such a long time for him and also Star just needed some experience with the whole show scene and to be ridden at something like this without blowing his brain cells.

Well I must report back that no he DIDNT blow any brain cells and was very well behave. We even came home with a ton of ribbons and some nice ones too. The photos consist of

- the one with 6 ribbons was for inhand Standardbred and should have been one more red one but didnt realise it was in my other pocket when I took the photo

- the one with 5 ribbons was for the ridden in First Timers ring - yes he behaved so well he got ribbons under saddle.

- my favourite is the other 2 really nice wide ones though which he got for inhand SB - hes such a good boy!!!


2 dogs + 1 cat + 2 humans said...

Woweeeee!! Go Star :-D You must be thrilled, that is awesome :)

KA said...

Congrats B&P and Star, what a haul!!! Well done!